
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Born in Tibet, Chögyam Trungpa (1939-1987) was recognized in infancy as a reincarnate teacher, or Rinpoche. At twenty, he was forced to flee his homeland, a harrowing journey over the Himalayas to India. After emigrating to England, he studied at Oxford University and established a meditation center in Scotland.  He moved to North America in 1970.

Chögyam Trungpa’s command of English and his understanding of the Western mind made him an important early influence on Buddhism in the West. He established hundreds of meditation centers, founded the first Buddhist-inspired university in North America—Naropa University—and trained several thousand students who continue to propagate his teachings. An ecumenical teacher who sought the wisdom in all religions, he also promoted a contemplative awareness of the arts and poetry.

He is the author of more than fifty books, including The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, the main text studied at The Profound Treasury Retreat.

The Profound Treasury Dharma Foundation

The Profound Treasury Dharma Foundation is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and propagate the living tradition of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s dharma teachings—the teachings of the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, and the teachings of the Rime tradition, of Tibetan Buddhism—as well as his cultural, artistic, social, and non-sectarian spiritual teachings. 

We provide support for senior teachers and scholars, and a forum for them to share their wisdom, knowledge, and guidance. We do this by offering retreats, and by sponsoring lectures, seminars, study groups, and other practice and study programs.

Our Values

Inclusivity Statement

In this time of challenge and heightened uncertainty, we invite and welcome people who are interested in exploring the path of dharma and the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.  We welcome people who are inquisitive and skeptical, and we welcome people who feel shy and tentative. We welcome people with a sense of humor. We welcome those feeling tender and open. You are welcome to come as you are.

Whatever your race or color, you are welcome here. 

Whatever your ethnicity, nationality, or citizenship, you are welcome here.

 Whatever your religious affiliation or political view, you are welcome here.

Whatever your gender identity, you are welcome here.

Whatever your wealth, age, physical challenge, or social standing, you are welcome here.

You are welcome to study and practice with us. 

A Warm and Caring Community

The Profound Treasury Dharma Foundation is committed to creating a warm and caring community. We do not tolerate abuse in any form—no exceptions. 

To ensure that all participants feel safe and at their ease during our retreats and programs, we have enrolled in ComplianceLine, a third-party anonymous hotline service. We encourage participants to call them at the number below to report circumstances that they may experience as unethical, harassment, fraudulent, etc.

ComplianceLine does not trace or record calls and does not have caller identification. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You may remain anonymous or you may choose to identify yourself. Regardless of your decision, your information will be documented and investigated.

The ComplianceLine toll-free number is (866) 681-1180.

Profound Treasury Dharma Foundation Board Members and Officers

Eric Diaz – Foundation General Counsel and Board Chair
Scott Lafontsee – Board Member
Judy Lief – Foundation President and Head Teacher
Tavita Martinez – Board Member
Daniel Nguyen – Board Member
Susan Rhodes – Foundation Treasurer and Executive Director
Emilia Volz – Foundation Vice President and Board Member
Jon Frank – Co-Founder and Emeritus Board Member
Barry Boyce – Co-Founder and Emeritus Board Member
Derek Kolleeny – Co-Founder and Emeritus Board Member

The Profound Treasury Retreat logo

Right-Coiled White Conch

The rare right-coiled white conch represents the fearless proclamation of the truth of the dharma. The deep, far-reaching, and melodious sound of the dharma calls us to awaken from the deep slumber of ignorance and work for the benefit of others.