June 12-21, 2020 in Saco, Maine
A unique opportunity to engage in intensive study and practice in a contemplative environment
based on the teachings of the
venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
From 1973 to 1986, Chögyam Trungpa offered his students a 3-month retreat called Vajradhatu Seminary, and the teachings from these seminaries have been compiled into three volumes known as the The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma. The Profound Treasury Retreat is a 9-day Buddhist meditation and study retreat modelled on these Vajradhatu Seminaries, using the Profound Treasury texts as the basis for study
We welcome meditators of all ages and traditions to join us in studying the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. The retreat is infused with the spirit of beginner’s mind, encouraging senior students and new students to come together to explore, question, and learn from each other. No matter your age or experience, the Profound Treasury Retreat provides the ground for students to work with themselves and others to cultivate understanding and experience.
The Profound Treasury Retreat
June 12-21, 2020 in Saco, Maine
Held annually in Saco, Maine